Looking to keep your expenses down? it’s normal to consider whether or not you actually need to hire a lawyer to review a commercial lease you are considering. It can be too hard to look over the lease yourself, isn’t it? But hang on, ask yourself the following questions first, Can you afford the additional
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People can stay in bad relationships based on flawed reasons, a new study suggests. Researchers from the University of Minho in Braga, Portugal, conducted a series of experiments to determine how factors such as time and money affected the way people saw their relationships. They found evidence of what is known as the “sunk cost
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The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) says that Employers, “need to ensure that adequate and appropriate fire safety measures are in place to minimise the risk of injury or loss of life in the event of a fire”. Most fires are preventable and the people responsible for looking after workplaces should take appropriate safety measures
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Alexandra Cardenas discusses the government’s reaction to the article 50 ruling and diversity in law. This week, the government reacted to the High Court’s ruling that the government does not have power to trigger article 50 without parliamentary approval and a vote from MPs. In parliament the secretary of state for exiting the EU, David
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Alexandra Cardenas discusses the Autumn statement and the government’s reversal of immigration and asylum fees. This week, both Houses will continue their focus on the impact of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. Secretary of state for exiting the EU, David Davis MP, will face scrutiny and a call for more detail on the UK’s
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