High Street New Malden

+ (44) 2089495551
+ (44) 2079938403

Mon - Fri 9.00 - 18.00
Saturday & Sunday Closed

Landlord & Tenants


Landlord and Tenant Act describe the rights and responsibilities of both the landlord and tenant. Failure of one to do his duty and responsibility give rise to other to seek legal remedy.

If you have an issue with your landlord or tenant we will help you to resolve it with peace of mind.

Our professional solicitors deals with cases of both residential and commercial tenancies.

Small Claims


We deals with all sorts of small claims whether it is for recovery of money, claim for damage to reputation or for the enforcement of a contract. We are committed to resolve the issues through alternative dispute resolutions.

We always advise our clients to settle disputed matters out of court until it is the only way out to resolve the dispute.

Our competent solicitor provide you with advice and representation, we have a good network of brilliant barristers to seek advice and to instruct them to represent our clients, when necessary.

If you have any QUERY for related topic... We are available

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