High Street New Malden

+ (44) 2089495551
+ (44) 2079938403

Mon - Fri 9.00 - 18.00
Saturday & Sunday Closed

Spouse Visa

If you are married with someone who are British citizen orsettled in UK, you can apply as a partner/Spouse, you and your partner both need to be 18 or over.

Your partner must also be either;

  • A British or Irish citizen
  • Have settled in the UK – for example, they have indefinite leave to remain, settled status or proof of permanent residence if they are EU nationals

You and your partner must intend to live together permanently in the UK after successful application. Applicants need to pass an acceptable and Home Office approved  English language test and your spouse needs to prove an income of £18600 per year and an adequate accomodation. You need to pay Immigration Health Surcharge to access health services. You will be allowed to work and study but there will be no recourse to public funds.

Child Visa

If you are less than 18 years old and one of your parents are British citizen or present and settled in UK, you are eligible to join your parents in UK. Your parents need to meet maintenance threshold and adequate accomodation test. On a successful application, you will be allowed to study free in state schools.